SigPack - the C++ signal processing library
SigPack - the C++ signal processing library Documentation


SigPack is a C++ signal processing library using the Armadillo library as a base. The API will be familiar for those who has used IT++ and Octave/Matlab. The intention is to keep it small and only implement the fundamental signal processing algorithms.


  • FIR/IIR filter
  • Window functions
  • Spectrum and spectrogram
  • Timing/Delay
  • Gnuplot support
  • Up/Downsampling
  • Config file parser
  • FFTW support
  • Image I/O
  • Adaptive filters
  • Kalman linear/nonlinear filters


Version Notes
1.2.7 Bug fix in sp_version(), made it inline.
1.2.6 Improved plot performance for image(), mesh() and surf(). Added fast_plot(). Removed need for -Dunix flag.
1.2.5 Removed warnings in Visual Studio. Bug fix in PNM class write_header().Added flush_buf()/draw_now() in gplot
1.2.4 Updated resampling class, added goertzel and timevec functions.
1.2.3 Updated FIR design functions, support for highpass, bandpass and bandstop
1.2.2 Extended Kalman filter and Unscented Kalman filter class
1.2.1 Updated gplot, requires Gnuplot 5.0 or higher.
1.1.2 Added Kalman filter class, prediction, tracking, RTS smoother. New colormaps.
1.1.1 Cleanup, added adaptive filters - Kalman and Newton( Affine Projection Algorithm).
1.0.8 Added adaptive filters - LMS, N-LMS and RLS. New line plot function of matrix data.
1.0.7 Added support for 2D-FFTW and some image IO functions (read/write of .pbm, .pgm and .ppm)
1.0.6 Added import/export Wisdom in FFTW
1.0.5 Added save plot to file in gplot module
1.0.4 Added FFTW class. Updated comments for Doxygen
1.0.3 Added parser class, freqz/phasez functions, error handler.
1.0.2 New file structure, added gnuplot, angle and spectrum functions
1.0.1 First version