Fundamental packages are:
Download SigPack and install/extract it to your local install directory.
To use all the features in SigPack (gnuplot and fftw3) you also need
If you want a newer version of Armadillo you need to download it from Sourforge and install/extract them to your local install directory. I also recommend Intel MKL or OpenBLAS and FFTW3 installed from source to get the optimum performance.
For Windows users I recommend Visual Studio or QT Creator. Download Armadillo and SigPack and install/extract them to your local install directory.
To compile you need to have blas and lapack libraries (or Intel MKL or Atlas). Armadillo provides some prebuilt libs at <install dir>\examples\lib_win64
To use all the features in SigPack (gnuplot and fftw3) you also need to install Gnuplot and FFTW3 libs/header.
Make sure your path to the .h, .lib and .dll files are updated in your environment variables
Not officially supported but it should work, might have some issues with the term type in Gnuplot.