15 gp.
"Filter plots", 10, 10, 700, 700);
22 Mg = 20 * log10(
freqz(b, a, 1024));
28 gp.
"set multiplot layout 2, 1");
29 gp.
"set xtics (\"0\" 1,\"0.5\" 512,\"1\" 1024)");
31 gp.
"Magnitude [dB]");
32 gp.
"Frequency [f/Fs]");
35 gp.
"set xtics (\"0\" 1,\"0.5\" 512,\"1\" 1024)");
38 gp.
"Frequency [f/Fs]");
arma_inline arma::vec phasez(const arma::vec b, const arma::vec a, const arma::uword K=512)
Frequency phase response function. Calculates the frequency phase response.
void plot_show(void)
Show plots.
void grid_on(void)
Set grid.
void ylabel(const char *label)
Set label for X-axis.
arma_inline arma::vec freqz(const arma::vec b, const arma::vec a, const arma::uword K=512)
Frequency magnitude response function. Calculates the frequency magnitude response.
void set_term(const char *ttype)
Set output terminal.
arma_inline arma::vec fir1(const arma::uword M, const double f0)
FIR lowpass design function. FIR lowpassdesign using windows method (hamming window). NB! Returns size M+1.
void window(const int fig, const char *name, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height)
Configure the figure used Windows environment.
void xlabel(const char *label)
Set label for X-axis.
void plot_add(const T1 &x, const T2 &y, const std::string lb, const std::string ls="lines")
Push plot y vs. x with label and linespec.
void send2gp(const char *cmdstr)
Send command to Gnuplot pipe.